Jared Burgess
Since entering the fitness profession in 2004, Jared Burgess has been featured in numerous fitness magazines, both as a columnist and as a model. His dedication to his field have led him to becoming a calendar cover model, working with Miss Olympia Cory Everson, as well as numerous television and film appearances! All these experiences have led Jared to opening UST Personal Training (Underground South Tampa) in 2006 with a goal to help members of his community achieve greater health and fitness! UST prides itself on creative methods of training that continually diversify exercise routines to keep the mind and body constantly unaware of what is to come. It is a hybrid style of training that confuses the body, burns fat and builds muscle. Routines are based upon principles of suspension training, cross training, strength training, Pilates, core training, boot camp training, and cardiovascular training. All while be conducting in a luxury setting in which each client trains in their own completely private fitness room.
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